Crikey! This old geezerbird just yanked 'er choppers clean out of 'er North and South wit' some pliers!
Oh, the wonders of socialized medicine. Those of you who advocate National healthcare have things like this to look forward to.
Oh, the wonders of socialized medicine. Those of you who advocate National healthcare have things like this to look forward to.
Some 13 days after having her feeding tube removed for a 3rd time, and eerily some 12 hours after being the indirect subject of a South Park episode, Terri Schiavo is dead.
So yesterday was the innagural Redcoat Band Day in the state of Georgia. Seriously. We just got our own day. I'm not kidding. Check it out..
I promise I'll post something witty and entertaining eventually, but lately I've been in more of a 'philosophical' sort of mood.
One of my major pet peeves is people who go around saying 'George Bush isn't my president'. That's stupid. Yes he is. You might not have voted for him, you might not like him, you might wish bad things upon him, but he's your president.
A lot of times while I'm waiting for my bus (that comes every hour), I'll go hang out in the bookstore and browse whatever book catches my eye at the time.
-Sometimes, when you're pissed off that your friend blew you off on a Saturday night, a few hours later you end up glad that they did
Since November, I've been making a big deal (at least in my own head) about my last band 'moment'. First it was my last regular season practice, but then we had a practice on the bowl trip, so that didn't really count. Then we had the last game in Sanford Stadium, but that was pretty unceremonious because it was 40 degrees and raining, so my main objective wasn't to hang out and reminisce, but to get warm and dry as soon as possible. Then I had my last football game, which was a little more nostalgic and had a little more fanfare, but still wasn't the end of the road because basketball season was just starting. Then there was the last game in Stegman, but that was no big deal because Tournament Season was starting. Then Tournament Season started, I went to Dallas and figured that was going to be it. It was a nice way to end it, I thought. So I felt pretty good about going out like that. But then I got a voicemail from one of my friends in the other traveling band that went something like this:
I finally broke down and joined facebook. I'm such a conformist. Feel free to look me up and add me to your friends list...provided you consider me a friend, of course...
Remember that nice, conciliatory post from yesterday? Yeah, I was just kidding. Now I'm pissed off.
Every so often, the various Christian groups on campus get together and have a day-long 'tribute' to Jesus at the student center. There are bands, speakers, dance groups, and even rappers. It kinda fits hand in hand with the whole anti-abortion, pictures of aborted fetuses presentation they had yesterday.
So I had this profound thing about love I'd written, but then my IE froze, so I'll have to rewrite it tomorrow. Just so I remember, I'm going to summarize:
I haven't made any social commentary is a while, so I guess now is as good a time as any.
So as I was saying yesterday, our band director Brett is leaving after this year to pursue a career in songwriting in Nashville, making this his last band trip as well (unless we beat Texas tomorrow).
In my 4 years of the Redcoat Band and 2 years of basketball band, I've spent a great deal of time, either directly or indirectly, with our director Brett. He's been with the band in one way or another for 13 years or something like that, so he lives and breathes UGA bands.
I haven't updated in a while. Sorry about that. The last two weeks have been incredibly busy. I had two exams and a basketball tournament last week, and this week I had a paper to lay out and a giant painting to finish (which I still haven't done). So this is the first time I've had to sit in front of a computer for any substantial amount of time.
So I was watching the Tonight Show and they had this 9 year old kid on that was supposed to be this political wizard or whatever, I guess he was. He knew a lot of presidential trivia and everything, so good for him. However, when Jay asked him if he was a Republican, he reacted like I do after David Greene finds Leonard Pope in the endzone...he let out a hearty 'OHHHHHHH YEAH!' It was a little embarrassing, but I could deal with it. But when they got to his little video montage, it was painful to watch.
So I was supposed to write about this hate crime stuff we talked about my Cultural Geography class that really irritated me, but I'm not really irritated about it anymore, so I'm not in the mood to write about it. Suffice it to say that Hate Crime laws are stupid because you can't make the penalty for murder and worse than it is, unless you want to kill people slower and more painfully. At any rate, we'll probably end up talking about it tomorrow, or at least something similar, and I'll be irritated all over again and have plenty to blog about.
So I just spent an hour writing about how much I hate Hate Crime legislation, but the computer I was using of campus decided to be stupid and erase it. I guess I'll just have to rewrite it later. But now I hate both Hate Crime legislation AND this computer. Plus the fact that I have to go to class now.