Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Happy Jesus Day, everybody

Every so often, the various Christian groups on campus get together and have a day-long 'tribute' to Jesus at the student center. There are bands, speakers, dance groups, and even rappers. It kinda fits hand in hand with the whole anti-abortion, pictures of aborted fetuses presentation they had yesterday.

These things always make me a little uncomfortable and even kinda rub me the wrong way. Let me start with the abortion thing. First of all, I don't like abortion. I believe that a life is a life, even in the womb, and all that. That being said, I don't want to see pictures of dead, dismembered fetuses on the way to lunch. I don't need to be shocked and disgusted to affirm my believe that the practice is wrong. In the same vein, I don't think you're going to change anyone's mind by showing them such pictures. The majority of Americans are already against abortion. Those who aren't probably won't change their collective minds by way of shock and disgust.

I also had a problem with the comparison of abortion to genocide in places like Rwanda, and specifically the Holocaust. In my humble opinion, abortion does not come from a hatred of the children, but rather ignorance of what their actions mean. The Holocaust had no such reasoning. Hitler hated the Jews. He saw them as a 'problem', and sought to 'solve' that problem by exterminating the entire race. Grown humans were enslaved and slaughtered due to hatred of their race, not because their mother was so ignorant as to terminate them for the sake of convenience. Both things are terrible, don't get me wrong...but they're terrible in different ways. Lumping them together like that takes away from the gravity and awfulness of both.

As far as the Jesus love-fest...I'm not a big fan of that either. I don't much like hearing how I'm going to hell for this or that, or how much those particular people love JE-sus-ah. That's all well and good, but religion is such an intensely personal thing for me that hearing people talk about it in public like that is like hearing them talk about this rash that they have or standing up there naked because they're proud of their body. It just makes me uncomfortable. Plus I guess I feel like people wouldn't want to hear me up there yelling about how eating pork is wrong, the real Sabbath is Saturday, and you should fast for a day and eat crackers for a week. The way I see it, you get your God on the way you want, and I'll get my God on the way I want. So long as you getting your God on doesn't involve killing me and followers of my religion, we should be fine.

However, should your 'God' call for killing people like me over my God, I will kill you first. I've got more guns.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Much respect gained with that post.

10:08 PM  

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