Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Thank you and have a nice day (Revised)

It's no secret that I'm a conservative. For crying out loud, I'm the Editor in Chief of a conservative student newspaper. And as much as I run my mouth, I'm not that extreme, and I'm not militant.

Whenever I'm talking with someone who has a different opinion, I'm polite, reserved, and cordial. However, I've met many more militant liberals than conservatives. Some people are just rude.

Once a month, the paper I work for rents a table at the student center to give papers to people as they walk by. We're always polite, and we don't cram it down people's throats. But every so often, some angry liberal makes it a point to come by our table to let us know how much we suck, and how much they hate us and everything we stand for.

Today was no different in as much as a liberal (actually several) came by the table to express their opinion. But there was one especially rude one. An older lady walked up, whistling rather loudly and obnoxiously. Being the polite person I am, I said 'good morning', but she didn't even look up and kept whistling, even louder. She picked up an issue, thumbed through it, made some comment about my Spongebob article, and proceeded to say 'you punks would be thinking differently if you were up against a draft...' and proceeded to throw the issue down, and storm off while yelling 'it's an illegal war by a JACKASS!!'

Not losing my composure, I simply said 'Thank you and have a nice day!' I don't think she was listening. But it did make me think.

First of all, why are liberals so angry, and what makes them think they have the right to be rude and obnoxious to people who disagree with them?

At any rate, who said we were punks? We were all well groomed, neatly dressed, and weren't bothering anyone. Are we punks simply for having a different opinion? That's not exactly fair.

And who said we'd be thinking differently if we were facing a draft? Just because you're a sissy that doesn't want to defend America doesn't mean we all are. I signed up for selective service on my 18th birthday, and I did so gladly. And it was before 9/11, so it's not like I was jumping on the Defend America bandwagon. On a side note, some douchebag in my dorm freshman year was trying to impress some girls by saying he signed up for the draft after 9/11, neglecting to tell them it was his birthday and he had to by law...anyway.

I almost took offense when she said 'you punks would be thinking differently...' because I don't think that's true. I don't love freedom or America, and I don't think people everywhere deserve freedom just because I don't have to fight for it. I have several members of my family who either are or were in the military, and I understand the sacrifice. I have profound respect for anyone in the military, and I would love to be a part of it. However, there are reasons I'm not. There doesn't seem to be a market in the military for a skinny 6' tall, 150 pound white guy with a speech impediment, though I am pretty good with a rifle. Plus I feel like there are ways I would be more effective in advancing the cause of freedom other than crawling around in the desert shooting at people.

However, if my country for whatever reason needed a skinny, 6' tall, 150 pound white guy with a speech impediment, I'd be first in line with a hearty hoorah and a semper fi. Would I be scared? Of course. I'm not an idiot. But I'm not going to change my beliefs just because I might actually have to defend them. If there ever was a draft, I wouldn't burn my draft card, move to Canada or pull a Mohammed Ali and say 'I ain't got no quarrel with no A-rabs.' Like I said, I'd be scared as hell, but I'd sign up, and I'd bring my own gun.


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