Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Well just call me John Kerry

I have a plan. (Only political nerds like me are going to get the connection between the title and the first sentence. If you don't, it's ok. Election 2004 humor.)

Anyway...I blog a lot when I don't have anything to do. But I really do have a plan. See, my parents have been wanting to throw me a graduation/leaving town party, and while I appreciate the sentiment, their idea of a party involves aunts, uncles, grandparents, neighbors, and other people twice my age.

Whereas my idea of a party involves a keg, loud music, plastic cups and a ping pong ball. And since the two don't really go together well, I'm thinking of having two parties. One at my parents' house, and one at my empty-ass apartment in Athens.

I don't really have the details worked out, but I'm planning on next Friday night in Athens, and next Saturday or Sunday in Fayetteville (the 20th and 21st-22nd for those of you scoring at home).

Plus, most of my friends in Athens wouldn't be up for the 2 hour drive anyway.

Like I said, I don't really have the details worked out, and the effort I put into this is going to be directly proportional to the number of people that are interested in coming. Those of you in the Fayetteville/metro Atlanta area are welcome to come to the Athens'd probably be alot more fun. You can definitely crash there if you like. Anyway...let me know what you think, and I'll get started on the planning.


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