Thursday, May 05, 2005

Well alright then...

The following is an actual e-mail I recently received. I don't know who it's from, and it's from an actual address otherwise my SPAM filter would've picked it up. It would be funny if I didn't think the person was being serious. At any rate, I felt obliged to ridicule it. So here it is, verbatim, in its entirety.

"i dont know if you are anglo or not, but i will tell you this, if the aryan(anglo) people do not stop these parasites now we are looking at our own extiction within a few generations. i do not condone what hitler did at all, but he was right about the race factor. the smartest people on this planet are the anglos and asains......thats a scientific fact. if the spics gain control of this country, this place will mirror mexico. our forfathers shoud have specified land of the free and come one come all.....from europe only!! the hell with latrino immigrants their nothing but criminal parasites. "

Wow. Where to begin...

First of all, to my knowledge, I'm not Aryan. So all this 'we' talk doesn't really apply.
Second, I like how he doesn't 'condone what Hitler did, but...' But? But nothing. Hitler was a tool. He wasn't right on anything.
Third, I almost fell off my bed laughing when he said that anglos and 'asains' are the smartest people on the planet. Apparently the person sending this is not anglo or 'asain', as they would be smart enough to either spell their own ethnicity right in the first place, or run the friggin' spell check. Also, anglos would know the difference between the possessive 'their' and the contraction 'they're'.

Furthermore, they must not know anything about the American political system. In order for a group of people to 'gain control' in America, it must be assumed that a. they make up a majority of the citizenry, and b. they have the right to vote. The illegal aliens in the country do neither.

Now don't get me wrong...I'm totally against illegal immigration. But my reasoning is economic and security-related. Supporting a nation full of illegal immigrants, most of which who are very poor and unskilled, puts an amazing amount of stress on the American economy. Also, far too many illegal immigrants are criminals. They're murderers, rapists, thieves, gang members, etc. And aside from that, if it's that easy for some random Mexican to stroll across our border, it's just as easy for some random terrorist to fly to Mexico and stroll across our border as well. And that's just not right.

I really don't see what it would help if a bunch of Europeans were to illegally immigrate here, either. I mean, illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants, regardless of race, religion, creed, etc.

The last sentence doesn't make any sense at all. First of all, there's no verb. Second, what's a latrino? And third, why are they in possession of nothing but criminal parasites?

As I said, it'd be funny if this person wasn't so serious. I mean, it's scary to think that this guy is out driving a vehicle somewhere. And it's even worse to think that he can vote and own a firearm. I've always been a champion of the cause that stupid people shouldn't be able to vote or own guns, and this guy would be the poster boy for my argument.


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