Wednesday, May 11, 2005

English lesson

The word of the day is 'histrionic'. As in, 'pretty much every girl I know is histrionic.'

Most of the time I can deal with it pretty well, but some days I'm just not in the mood. Today is one of those days.

So what's the deal? Is there some sort of chemical need in the female brain that can only be fufilled by making life more complicated and dramatic than it is (or needs to be)? Is there some secret mailing list that goes out explaining how best to be dramatic?

So, even though it's against my better judgement and I'm probably going to piss a lot of people off with this, I'm going to give a little advice, as well as ask a few questions of my own. I'm going to go ahead and blame this on the fact that I've been in my room painting for the last 3 hours, and the fumes are killing my braincells. we go.

-If there's a guy that is mean to you and makes you cry, avoid him. He's a tool. What? You like him? No. Cut it out. He's a tool.

-They say that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. This is probably true. That being said, no one is going to want to go out with you if you insist on being some bitter, pessimistic hag. You can either snap out of it and get over yourself, or get used to the idea of living with a bunch of cats. It's your call.

-If there's a decent guy that likes you, and you like him, and there's no actual reason that you two shouldn't be together, don't invent one.

-Don't be upset/surprised when one of your friends gets upset about something you said about them, especially when you post it on the internet.

-Again, stop liking that tool. He just upsets you.

-You're not fat. If a guy doesn't like you, it's not because you're fat. There's something else. The same applies for ugly. However, if a guy really doesn't like you because he thinks you're fat or ugly, he's not worth your time anyway, as he guessed it...a tool.

-There's a difference between infatuation and love. Find it. It's important.

-Infatuation, much like bitterness, is not attractive.

-Don't think that being physical with a guy will make him like you. It won't. It will, however, make him use you.

-If you're going to continue to do the things that make you cry, don't be surprised when you end up crying.

I'm sure I can think of more, but there's only so much typing I can do with one blood-shot eye. I'm going to bed, and it's going to be glorious, for I don't have anything important to do tomorrow.


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