Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Chris Rock just isn't that funny

Some people are getting all upset because Chris Rock is hosting the Oscars and he tends to have a bit of a potty mouth. Big frigging deal. Personally, I'm not upset. Mostly because I never watch the Oscars. I watched part of the Oscars once, 2 years ago, because I put $5 into a pool at Hillel. I lost. But anyway.

Far be it for me to get upset over a few naughty words. I'd be more likely to get upset about how he stereotypes white people, thinks abortion is 'beautiful' and makes jokes out of historically inaccurate things. But I don't. Why? Because it's not that critical. No one takes him seriously, and at the end of the day, he's just not that funny.

First of all, all the swearing makes it hard to follow anything he says. However, he makes up for that by repeating it over and over. And we all know that repeating something that wasn't all that funny in the first place makes it funnier.

Second, his social commentary isn't all that clever. In fact, some of it is just stupid. For example, he thinks that Bush creates all this bad news to take our minds 'off the war'. Brilliant. Because he controls the media and all, and we never hear about the war on the news, especially bad news. I'm all for political humor, but it's got to be at least a little funny.

Now Dave Chappelle, he's funny. He swears gratuitously and stereotypes white people, but he's also an equal opportunity offender, and does it in a way that's frigging hilarious. So I've got an idea to solve the problem with the Oscars. Let Dave Chappelle host them. It'd be funnier, less stupid, and I might actually watch.


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