Monday, June 27, 2005

Oh my [diety removed so as to not offend the non-religious]!

So the Supreme Court has just decided that displaying the Ten Commandments in court houses is unconstitutional. Well, not ALL displays of the Ten Commandments...just the ones with a 'religious message'. What? I'm sorry...but I was under the impression that the Ten Commandments were what Moses waddled down Mount Sinai carrying after they'd been written by the finger of God. Did I miss something? I knew I should've paid more attention in Sabbath School.

What I'm trying to say is how can the Ten Commandments NOT have a religious message? That's the whole point! Aside from that, they're what every law in this country is based on. Where else do you think our founding fathers got the idea that murder, theft, and perjury should be illegal? I know there are those of you that are going to say 'well what about adultery, coveting and breaking the Sabbath? Why aren't those illegal?' Well, I'd be all for those being illegal...but figure out a way to enforce it and get back to me. The ancient Israelis would stone people to death for things like that...maybe that's a start.

If we can't display the basis of our laws in this country in the buildings in which we enforce those laws, what's next? Are we going to add a disclaimer when people swear on a Bible before testifying?

'Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, though the state respects your right not to believe in the moral authority of this book, so help you whichever diety, or lack thereof, to which you adhere?'

Or maybe we won't even use a Bible anymore...we can just use the phonebook or the Farmer's Almanac. They're thick enough.

Or we could just stop making moral judgements altogether. Sure, a man escapes from custody, bludgens a 53 year old grandmother, and proceeds to kill four people, but who are we to decide whether or not that's wrong? Who are we to impose our religious beliefs and moral standards on someone else?

Ok, I've gotta stop writing before I go apoplectic. But before I post, I'll say this...

You know who I miss? Common Sense. He was a good guy. Too bad we don't hear much from him anymore. It's to the point where, in every future election, regardless of party, I'm voting for the candiate with the most common sense. 'Cause this is getting regodamndiculous.


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