Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Small favor to ask of you

Ok here's the deal. My bedroom in DC is still pretty depressing, as I don't have much hanging on the walls except for a gigantic American flag. Otherwise, they're white and sad looking. I'm trying to get away from the college kid thing and not hang up a bunch of posters... (except for maybe the life-size Katie Frye...I might hang on to that one...) my favor to ask is that, if you happen to have any pictures that I would like (I don't necessarily have to be IN them) and you could spare the time to send them to me, I'd really appreciate it. I'm trying to get one of those multi-picture frames, an a bunch of little ones.

If you want to e-mail them, you can send them to my massive gmail mailbox at:

Or, if you have actual pictures you could send me (which would be even more awesomer...yes, I said more awesomer), you can send them here:

2634 15th St. NW Apt. 3D
Washington, DC 20009

I don't really care what you send, but let's try to be tasteful. You know who you are. Or not, you know...whatever.


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