Friday, May 20, 2005

Random musings indeed

First of all, I have a new address. I dunno my apartment number yet, but here's the building:

2634 15th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009

It's going to be quite a change moving from here to here. But that's ok. 'It's a great opportunity' and blah blah blah. I guess. So long as it gets me closer to writing my best-selling book, becoming a millionaire, retiring at the age of 30, wife, kids, big house in the suburbs, white picket fence, dog, etc. all on my way to becoming the youngest president ever elected. Starting now, I've got 14 years. We'll say 15 just to get a little padding. But if I wanted to be the youngest president ever elected, I'd have 21 years. So we'll see. As far as Presidents from Georgia go, I'd only have to be better than Jimmy Carter, so it wouldn't be that hard. We'll see if the electorate in 2024 is into a Southerner from the religious minority with a speech impediment and penchant for speaking without thinking. It's worth a shot. Heh...and maybe by then they'll have a cure for stuttering, and I'll be unstoppable. Bwah ha ha...ha...hmm...I've already said too much. Moving on.

When I was in DC, I was walking down the sidewalk when I noticed what appeared to be a grouping of homeless people. There were a bunch of sleeping bags, a bunch of snack food packages lying around, makeshift tents and chairs, and it looked like they'd been for some time. However, something was amiss in this group. They seemed a little too young, too well-dressed, and too well-groomed. As I walked farther down the line, I noticed some more oddities. First of all, these people were entirely too jolly to be homeless. To paraphrase Chris Rock, a real homeless person is too hungry to be jolly. Then I noticed a television and an XBox, accompanied by the hum of a tiny generator. Whoa whoa whoa...what's the deal?

Then all of a sudden it all made sense. I was standing in front of a theater. There were Yoda action figures near some of the sleeping bags, some kid was running around with a plastic light saber, the majority of the 'homeless' people were sporting shirts with the likes of Darth Vader, C3PO, and young Annikan Skywalker emblazoned across them. One of the chairs was actually an inflatable Darth Maul head. These people were in line for Star Wars, of course. Bear in mind, this was Tuesday at about 1:00 in the afternoon.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking these people. If that's your thing, have at it. Although, I do highly recommend downloading the clip from Conan O'Brien where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog makes his rounds at a similar function from the last Star Wars episode. It could very well be the funniest thing you'll ever witness.

But it got me thinking...there's not a whole hell of a lot I'd wait in line for 3 days for. The earliest I've ever been for anything was 4 hours early to a Ben Folds concert, and I wasn't even the first one there. I did, however, get there early enough to secure a spot on the first row of a general admission show; and seeing as how it was the most incredible concert I've ever attended, it was well worth it. But other than that...I just can't justify camping out for 3 days without dressing up in camouflage and shooting at something with four legs. The dedication that these people have for a movie series is quite impressive. If I put half that dedication into my career, I'll be running this show in no time. But for now, sleep. I've got a big day of destroying my liver ahead of me.


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