Sunday, May 15, 2005

Oops. Our bad.

So apparently this Newsweek report that, as a means of interrogation, U.S. soldiers at Guantanamo Bay would desecrate the Koran -- is wrong.

The report sparked violent protests all over the Middle East, in which dozens of people were killed and our armed forces were needlessly subjected to violence.

However, Newsweek is printing an apology that will run tomorrow. Whew. That's good. I'd hate for anything bad to happen because of a false news report, and at least they took care of the problem before anyone got hurt.

This is just more evidence that Newsweek is a reputable magazine with no political agenda, and makes every effort to ensure its facts are correct before running a story -- especially a story that could possibly portray the American military/Bush administration in a negative light. It also helps to dispel those nasty rumors going around that major media institutions in this country lean drastically to the left and are bent on slinging mud whenever possible at those with which they disagree. Because that's never happened. Ever. And anyone who tells you as much is nothing but a crazed, radical, right-winged conservative that does stupid things like believe in God and think there are moral absolute likes right and wrong.

Ouch. I think I pulled something on that last one. Next time I try to be so sarcastic, I should probably stretch.


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