Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The new guy no more

We got a new intern yesterday, so I guess I'm not really 'the new guy' anymore. Actually, I probably could be, so long as she was referred to as 'the new girl'. But I digress.

My boss called Tuesday morning and said he wouldn't be in for the rest of the week. Didn't say why. Then today I get an e-mail from the guy who's showing me how to do this job saying that he's not coming in either. Then the guy directly above me (I think) isn't going to be here on Friday, so in the line of succession, I could very well be running the Op-Ed page by the end of the week. That's an interesting prospect.

I could also be published in this paper inside of a week of starting. That'd be cool. There are these things we do called 'One Word Editorials' where we pretty much take a story, usually something weird or stupid, write one word describing it, and proceed to ridicule it for a couple of paragraphs. I thought 'Ridicule? I can do that...' So I scribbled out half a dozen and showed it to the higher-ups. A couple of them garnered a chuckle or two and a nice little check mark, which was rather satisfying. I'm such a praise whore.

I can't decide if I'm going to like going from writing thousands of words that hundreds of people read to writing hundreds of words that thousands of people read (well, hundreds of thousands, but you get the point). Personally, I'd rather be writing thousands of words that millions of people read, but 'all in due time, young grasshopper', I suppose. I'm just stoked about getting paid for once. It's a pretty sweet gig.

I'm sure I'll come up with some more philosophical, insightful blog topics once I get internet at my apartment (hopefully tomorrow), but until then, you're stuck with rambling babble about work. I still get a kick out of referring to where I go everyday as 'the office', and I'm glad the people I work with aren't pretentious douchebags. That's always a plus.

I still don't have any bedroom furniture or a parking permit, so I have to sleep on my futon and live in constant fear of my car being towed. Hopefully that'll be resolved by the end of the week as well, and by next week I can actually start feeling like I live in DC, instead of feeling like a squatter that routinely parks illegally.

Yay...they finally got the text uploaded so I can post the articles to the internet. Then I can go home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You? Ridicule? Never....

12:58 PM  

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