Why I don't sleep
I've always been a bit of an insomniac, mostly because I can't stop thinking long enough to go to sleep. So, I thought I might share some of the things that have been keeping me up lately -- if for no other reason than perhaps some commiseration.
- - A good many of the people who have a problem with me owning a gun seem to have no problem with the prospect of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.
- I have yet to manage a picture of myself in which I don't have some sort of goofy look in my face.
- I still can't get my head around the concept of the income tax.
- Even though I think that Hi||ary C|inton won't win the presidency, the prospect of it is still terrifying.
- The reason we have so many wildfires is because near-sighted environmentalists passed laws that prohibit the clearing of underbrush and the thinning of forests -- thus turning forests into tinderboxes. Why doesn't anyone figure this out?
- I'm still trying to find the connection between A| Gore's movie and world peace.
- Dislocating my finger was probably the grossest thing I've ever felt. Seriously. I've heard that people sometimes vomit when they break bones. I've decided that this isn't because of the pain, but because it just feels disgusting to have your bones in the wrong place.
- Going to WebMD will make you sick.
- The fact that I now leave work after the sun has gone down in immensely depressing.
- Having (a) job/s that I can't talk about gets frustratingly tiresome.
On a side note, a friend of mine recently made a trip to Baghdad. And by trip I mean a six month tour. So if you wouldn't mind, keep her in your thoughts, prayers, whatever it is you do. Feel free to check her out here.
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