Thursday, March 08, 2007

I've been insanely busy lately, so my blogging has been fairly hit and miss. I still don't have a ton of time, but there are a couple of pictures I felt like sharing. So here goes.

Here's New+ Gingrich and me at CPAC. He's signing my book. Cool.

Then, here are some pictures from this event I went to today where President Bush spoke to his political appointees. Tony Snow "opened." He made us do the wave. Twice. I'm not kidding. There were cabinet secretaries doing the wave. You see what happens when media isn't allowed in to these things? Anyway, back to the pictures.

I might actually give a summary later. I've finally gotten to a point where I can lift my head up and look around for a little while, so my blogging might pick up. We'll see.

For what it's worth, I've been hooked on the following songs lately:

Hey There De|i|ah, P|ain Whi+e T's
Alive, Pear| J@m
Sep+ember, Ear+h Wind and Fire
Dixie|and De|ight, Alabama (it's just so damn catchy...)


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