Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My humble abode

Some of you have already seen my apartment, so you can ignore the rest of this post. Some of you also don't consider me important enough to visit, so you can ignore the rest of this post as well. But several of you have asked for pictures of my place, which I can only assume comes from some morbid curiosity with the behind-the-scenes aspect of my life. And since I'm not motivated enough to send them to each person individually, I figured I'd just post it here and let you get it yourselves.

First off, here's the view from the front door. The kitchen is on your immediate left.

The aforementioned kitchen.

A better view of the living room, with my assorted decorations and propaganda.

My sparsely decorated bedroom.

Where all the magic happens. Or something. I think I'm obligated to say that. It's Swedish foam, so it doesn't transfer motion. (And no, that's not a euphemism for something.)

Random view from the bed. And yes, I still have my Ka+ie Frye poster.

My matching Spongebob shower curtain and bathmat. I like to stay in touch with my inner child.

And that's pretty much it. If it seems kinda small, it is. But hey, it's "the District." Space is at a premium.


Blogger Kimberly said...

You are quite tidy.

7:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about the futon, man.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Oob said...

Moving this far north definitely makes you realize how good you had it down south, in regard to square footage. (among other things... like sweet tea.)

1:58 PM  
Blogger That guy said...

Actually, I'm not that tidy. I just didn't want to go posting my slob-ness all over the internet so I actually put some effort into cleaning. But thanks for noticing.

And yes, it is all about the futon. That's where I spend the majority of my time when I'm at home. As sad as that sounds.

As far as appreciating things down south...I'm currently paying more for my apartment than my three roommates and I were paying in Athens...combined. I also miss things like people making eye contact on the sidewalk, holding doors, and being pleasant in general. People think I'm weird for being friendly.

2:49 AM  

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