Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ariel Sharon ≠ Peace (But it's not his fault)

The big news currently on the international stage is that of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. After various health problems and a previous stroke, he seems to have been incapacitated by what’s being called a ‘significant stroke,’ and is not expected to return to power.

In perusing some message boards on the subject, I found that many people, especially in Israel, seem to be devastated by the news because they felt that Ariel Sharon was the best opportunity for peace with the “Palestinians.” But I’m not so sure.

Most of you know that I’m a Zionist almost to the point of militancy. I’m much less interested in peace with the “Palestinians” than I am with the survival and security of Israel. Ariel Sharon, at least in recent years, seemed to be more concerned with the former.

For what it’s worth, I was a fan of Ariel Sharon up until he started conceding things to the “Palestinians.” I’m much more of a fan of Ariel Sharon circa 1967. I still prefer Benjamin Netanyahu, but I digress.

More to the point, I don’t think that the prospects for peace will be any more or less likely in the absence of Ariel Sharon, anymore than I thought they were more or less likely with the death of Yassir Arafat.

Bottom line, I don’t think there will ever be peace between Israel and the “Palestinians,” save for the event of literal divine intervention. This is because the goal of the PLO, the “Palestinian” people, Arabs and Muslims in general is to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Ok ok, here’s your disclaimer: Not every Muslim, Arab or “Palestinian” wants to destroy Israel, but it’s in the charter of the PLO, it’s a stated goal of Iran, and people dance in the streets every time some brainwashed zealot kills innocent civilians.

I’m sure I’ve written about this before in my blog, but I’m too lazy to go back through it and see. At any rate, the struggle between Israel (read: Jews) and the Arab world (read: Muslims) is Biblical. All the way back to Isaac and Ishmael. For those of you who don’t know the story, I recommend reading the Book of Genesis. Suffice it to say that they saw this coming thousands of years ago.

I could go on for days about the various aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict, but it all boils down to the fundamental fact that Arabs and Jews, the respective descendants of Ishmael and Isaac, simply don’t get along. More over, according to Genesis, the descendants of Ishmael don’t get along with anyone. And I don’t think anyone can disagree with that.

All that said, the people lamenting the fact that the resignation of Ariel Sharon signals the end of the prospects for peace are misguided. There were never prospects for peace. Giving up land as an appeasement to terrorists is not peace. It’s surrender.

Peace does not mean the absence of conflict, it means the presence of justice and security. And regardless of who Israel’s Prime Minister may be, the prospect for such a scenario is, sadly, highly unlikely.

Note: If you're wondering why I always use quotes around "Palestinians," it's because they, as a people, do not exist. They are Egyptians and Jordanians. The nation of Palestine does not exist, and the drive for such only became prominent after it became a means by which to destroy Israel.


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