Friday, April 08, 2005

Enough already

Ok, every so often there are things that I get just absolutely sick of talking/hearing about. Here, in no particular order, are the things I have no interest in talking or hearing about for a while:

1. Michael Jackson
2. Terri Schiavo
3. The Pope
4. Gas prices
5. Evil Republicans killing homosexuals and instituting a theocracy
6. Judicial nominations
7. Prince Charles' wedding
8. Your relationship drama
9. What I'm doing after I graduate

So I'm going to give my final answers, and then I'm going to shut up about them for a while and talking about things like...I, puppies. Maybe unicorns. No kittens.

1. Weird? Yes. Guilty? I'm not on the jury.
2. She's dead. Her husband's a douche, but arguing isn't going to bring her back. Moral of the story: write a living will.
3. He's dead. He wasn't God. Quit using him to validate your political agenda.
4. It's not as bad as it seems.
5. :::sigh:::
6. What did you expect? They're Democrats. If they want to filibuster, actually make them filibuster. Got the cots out and have a congressional slumber party.
7. No one cares. Not even England cares.
8. You create it yourself. It's a pattern.
9. I don't know yet. I'll tell you as soon as I find out.

On that note, I'm going home now.


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