Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm ok...I just...ow...

So it's raining pretty substantially in "The District" today. That's always nice depressing. Remember this. It's going to be important later.

Normally, I feel pretty good when I come into the office. Usually wearing a suit and tie, a London Fog coat and freshly groomed hair. The lobby is nice — shiny marble floors, plants, paintings on the wall. Normally a pretty nice way to start the day.

Today, however, not so much. Upon the aforementioned shiny marble floors was an invisible, yet prominent, layer of water. And in what appears to be a bit of an engineering faux pas, the carpet with which employees are supposed to wipe their feet was some three feet from the door.

I took one step into the building and promptly found my foot moving faster than my balance deemed acceptable. Shortly thereafter, both feet, along with the rest of my body, were aloft and time slowed down just enough for my brain to process a few choice words (I'm still not entirely sure whether they were said out loud). Luckily, I was able to break my fall with my right wrist, ribcage and hip. Upon landing, I discover that marble isn't as soft as it looks.

In a small piece of good news, no one saw the ordeal — save for the concierge at the front desk, the customers in the corner of Starbucks, the people on the sidewalk loading their tour bus and the five intern-aged females waiting for the elevator, who were all staring right at me.

I always have had a knack for first impressions.

My assistant band director in high school would refer to such an event as 'losing your cool points for the day.' Having lost them first thing in the morning, and already battling a running deficit, I've got a lot of catching up to do. Maybe I'll get a piercing or something.


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