Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Fuzzy math

So I was reading this article today that referred to the war in Iraq as 'the bloodiest conflict for the U.S. since Vietnam.' Now, while this is technically accurate, it is wildly misleading.

True, this is the most deaths in the U.S. military since Vietnam, but it's also the most involved they've been since Vietnam. Not to mention that the final death toll in Vietnam was more than 58,000. At this rate, we'd have to be in Iraq for more than 25 more years for it to get close to that.

Saying that Iraq is the bloodiest conflict since Vietnam is like driving from New York to California and back, sitting at home for a week, then driving to the grocery store and being like 'Wow, this is the most I've driven since I went to California.'

Anyway...things like that really irritate me. I'm working on a real post, I promise. Hopefully it'll be up later.


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